AP PRF660 Brake Fluid
PRF 660 has been developed for use in extreme high temperature AP Racing conditions
‘Typical’ New Dry Boiling Point - 325°C (617°F)
‘Wet’ E.R. (Equilibrium Reflux) Boiling Point - 204°C (399°F)
PRF660 Fluid Conforms to and exceeds U.S. FMVSS No 116 DOT 4, SAE J1703 and SAE J1704 specifications and has been developed for AP Racing applications where higher than normal temperatures are being experienced, e.g. when using carbon/carbon discs and the ultimate in brake fluid performance is required. It should be noted that before using PRF660 fluid, any existing brake fluid should be drained completely from the brake system. The system should be thoroughly purged with new PRF660 brake fluid and can then be filled completely with AP Racing 660 fluid.
DO NOT USE PRF660 fluid in contact with any type of magnesium components (e.g. gearbox / clutch components) as a chemical reaction is caused resulting in gases being generated. This will then prevent the clutch hydraulics from working efficiently.
AP Racing haben Ihren Sitz in Coventry, Großbritannien. Sie haben mehr internationalen, sportlichen Erfolg erlangt als jeder ihrer Konkurrenten und sich als ein wichtiger Lieferant auf allen Ebenen des internationalen Motorsports, einschließlich Single-Session-Rennen, Rallye, Sportwagen-Rennen und Tourenwagen etabliert. Allein im Jahr 2011 lieferte AP Racing entweder Bremsen, Kupplungen oder beides zu 30 Champions über das gesamte Spektrum der Motorsportwelt.